"I cried because I was happy, I cried because I am still learning, I cried because my emotions can't contain that kind of awesome and yes, I cried because there were short moments when I felt sad, and it is important to me to let myself feel those moments when they come. They fuel the passion to be proactive. They fuel growth."
"You can't effectively move forward in life unless you have those moments of letting yourself feel the darker side of reality once in a while. I do that, you know. Maybe not publicly every time, but I'm human (if you don't count the unicorn gene). And even after those moments of pushing the bruise to feel the pain, I smile and think to myself...Life is so very rich. Even with the challenges."
words borrowed from Kelle Hampton over at... http://www.kellehampton.com/
When I read these words this weekend I fell in love. I was exactly how I feel. I feel so blessed to know so many mothers that understand, that have been here that are here and now.

Beautiful, beautiful photo.
I couldn't agree more. And your daughter is just...my gosh she's simply beautiful!
she is beautiful. I bet she brings out the best in you.
Oh my word, your daughter is BEAUTIFUL !!
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