It happened…. The first time I have left a public place and have felt sad for my kids. Why??? Because I worry about what my daughter and son might feel. As a mother it is my job to protect them, to keep them safe and after last night I felt like I had let them down. Now… I know they were having way to much fun playing and enjoying each other to notice but I did. I saw the staring, whispering and eye rolling and it hurt!!! As we were leaving the store I told myself to be strong don’t cry but I couldn’t stop the tears. As I got home I brought my self together and went on with the nightly ritual.
With a little time to reflect, talking to Luke and the support from my Facebook family I have come to understand that these people are ignorant and stuck in there bubble of what they think is “perfection”. they have no understanding of what beauty my little T21 baby has, and I feel for them. She is magical, amazing, beautiful and a fighter. So next time this happens I hope that I can stand strong and be as brave as she is.